FTA: The Horrible Misdeeds of Papa Pilgrim

Alaska’s slogan is the “Last Frontier.” To some people, this means Alaska is the Wild West, a place with less law and order where they can live as they choose. The man who called himself Papa Pilgrim believed moving his family to the wilderness of Alaska would offer him the opportunity to do anything he wanted. Papa Pilgrim was the worst kind of hypocrite because he hid his crimes behind his religious zeal. Like a charismatic cult leader, Pilgrim could appear charming and persuasive in public, but there was another side to him, and this was the side his family saw all too often.


Harden, Blaine. “A bulldozer runs through it.” September 28, 2003. Washington Post.

Kirby, Mark. “Papa Pilgrim’s progress: The dark tale of an Alaskan frontiersman.” November 19, 2008. Outside magazine.

Kizzia, Tom. Pilgrim’s Wilderness: A True Story of Faith and Madness on the Alaska Frontier. 2013. New York: Crown Publisher.

Kizzia, Tom. “Hale clan details abuse at the hand of their father, ‘Papa Pilgrim.’” July 1, 2016. Anchorage Daily News.


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Robin Barefield lives in the wilderness on Kodiak Island, where she and her husband own a remote lodge. She has a master’s degree in fish and wildlife biology and is a wildlife-viewing and fishing guide. Robin has published six novels: Big Game, Murder Over Kodiak, The Fisherman’s Daughter, Karluk Bones, Massacre at Bear Creek Lodge, and The Ultimate Hunt. She has also published two non-fiction books: Kodiak Island Wildlife and Murder and Mystery in the Last Frontier. She draws on her love and appreciation of the Alaska wilderness as well as her scientific background when writing.

Robin invites you to join her at her website: https://robinbarefield.com, and while you are there, sign up for her free monthly newsletter about true crime in Alaska. Robin also narrates a podcast, Murder and Mystery in the Last Frontier. You can find it at: https://murder-in-the-last-frontier.blubrry.net

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